Davin Sazeh

Founded in 2007, Davin Sazeh Co., Ltd. (DSCO) has built a strong reputation on our wide range of services, proficiencies and capabilities. From the moment we decided to create a company, we have always sought to create jobs and meet the emerging needs of the world around us. At every stage of the company’s growth, we have consistently tried to update and upgrade ourselves and our goals in line with new environmental conditions and requirements. Wherever faced with new and arduous conditions, we used it as an opportunity. We are proud that we have always promoted DSCO family with the growth and excellence of human resources, and we are always committed to our goals. DSCO Group has brought into production a stream of major industrial projects, more specifically, oil, gas and petrochemical projects through deploying competent personnel and uninterrupted execution of the projects and has always observed the supreme goal of obtaining satisfaction of clients and beneficiaries through qualitative enhancement of the projects. The stakeholders of DSCO family are not limited to the clients of contracting projects, but with an expansive view to all members of our community. We deem ourselves obligated and have made an all-out-effort to support health and environmental protection.

Our Activities

Front-End Planning

Davin Sazeh utilizes a project management system based on stage-gate approach. A stage-gate methodology is a gated framework which involves dividing project life cycle into distinct phases, where each gate acts as a checkpoint prior to proceeding to the next phase. The following graph depicts Davin Sazeh project management system which is broken into 2 main phase: Front End Planning and Project Development.

Engineering & Design

Engineering stage is generally the most significant stage (in terms of man hours) of project execution.We have a full team of dedicated, full time discipline engineers on board, and these may well be carried over from previous engineering phases.

Supply Chain Managment

Procurement is a critical function during Execution and generally it is considered as the largest block of a typical EPC project. It covers all aspects of sourcing and purchase of every item of goods or services necessary for completion of the work. Davin Sazeh uses an integrated Tenders & Contract Administrative System to procure goods and services for projects. Our Procurement Supply department is involved in all of the procurement activities associated with the work through a matrix structure.

Project Managment Service

Managing an EPC contract is often complicated and requires special expertise and knowledge. Our project management teams are established early on in a contract to control the whole process from design, through assembly, to start-up. We feature a sound management plan and strategies to reduce risks, cut costs and improve success rates to allocate and specialize in the work we undertake – but managing them can be complex.

Construction & Fabrication

Construction of the facilities is normally the longest phase of the project schedule, with the highest complexity, interaction and interfaces among a wide range of participants. Besides the fact Davin Sazeh owns several fully equipped logistic bases in different part of the country, fast track mobilization, quick preparation of the project site and just-in-time support are vital elements which enhance the quality of construction activities..


Operation & Maintenance

Our experience includes working in extreme events of emergency by continuously analyzing operation & maintenance practice to ensure lowest possible cost with optimum performance.

Sample projects

Our Markets

Oil & Gas

On account of the growing population and power consumption per capita, energy consumption is increasing day by day.

Petrochemical & Chemical

The petrochemical and chemical industry play an important role in manufacturing innovative, life-enhancing products and technologies as an integral part of the global economic development

Power & Renewable Energy

Power and Renewable energy projects range from thermal, hydroelectric, solar, wind, hydro, wave, tidal, geothermal and nuclear production.

Mining & Metals

Davin Sazeh has developed solid capabilities and experience in mining and metals industry through strategic cooperation with international partners.


Infrastructure projects focus on the development and maintenance of services, facilities, and systems.

Water & Water Transmission

The worldwide demand for water especially in arid areas where water has to be transported over large distances is growing continuously.

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